My Musical Tinnitus 1/3

As I mentioned on previous posts, I suffer not only from hyperacusis, but also from tinnitus, and this second condition has been as severe as the first one. The level of my tinnitus has been almost always very high and extremely diverse. I have perceived many types of sounds, and some of them have had even musical features.  

On this respect I have read some articles that explains about people who have the same kind of "musical tinnitus" which some specialists called musical  hallucinations. However, I consider this terminology not correct because an hallucination refers to something that is not real, but tinnitus is a real sound produced on the ears. Besides, as a musician I am able to clearly identify what I am hearing.

On this and the two following posts, I will show you 3 different samples of the musical tinnitus I experienced some years ago. The samples are simulations of what I perceived on my ears, and they were recorded using different computer softwares. The sounds on the right cannel represent the sounds I perceived on the right ear, and the sounds on the left one represent the sounds from the left ear respectively.

The first sample shown here is a single melody-like phrase which was present on my right ear (most affected), with a sound that closely resembles the sound of an ocarina or whistle.


Related links:
- My Musical Tinnitus 2/3
- My Musical Tinnitus 3/3



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