What to do - 2/3

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A second important step is to share with family members, friends and/or people who will care of the patient, all the information that has been learned, in such a way that all of them be educated about the main aspects of the suffering as well as about the best treatments for the specific case.

Although that is one of most important thing to do, is perhaps at the same time, one of most difficult to carry out successfully. Since there are no external signs which show the patient’s condition, the general tendency is to think that the problem comes from the sufferer’s imagination, suggestion or state of mind, and not to see it as a physiological problem.

Many times, the ones who care of a patient, due to the lack of information and specialists, and being so worried looking for a solution, suggest the application of different treatments, but if there is not enough proof about the effectiveness of a treatment, to insist on using it could be unfortunate for the sufferer and could worsen his condition.

At this point it is advisable to get updated information from recent works and treatise on hyperacusis, and to take notice about the treatments proposed in them, since they have been performed in many patients, and therefore their results are more reliable.

Nowadays, Tinnitus (and Hyperacusis) Retraining Therapy - TRT developed by neurophysiologist Pawel Jastreboff, is the one of the most extended and promising treatments around the world, due to its great effectiveness.


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