Additional recommendations about: Change of Habits - 3/3


This is the last part of the list about Change of Habits that could be considered when hyperacusis and tinnitus arise:

If you go to a public event and you know clapping or singing will be a part of the festivities - sit in the last row. That way no one is clapping or singing in your ears. Sometimes clapping can happen in the most unexpected places - like church. In those surprise situations, you can always put your fingers in your ears.

16. Some churches have services without music, and these should be attended if at all possible. Some of us sit inside chapels, mother's rooms (when no babies are present), the vestibule of church, or the clergy's room (sacristy). Another option is to go to an early morning service or watch a religious service on television.

17. In restaurants, try to be seated away from the kitchen or dirty dish islands... It is better to go to a restaurant where the waitress takes the plates and silverware away on a platter. If you eat during off-hours (before 11 am., after 1:30 pm., before 4:30 pm., or after 7 pm.) it is much better because the noise level is way down. If you go to a new restaurant, just ask the hostess to put you in the quietest area they have... Stay away from eating places that play loud music because people tend to talk louder to compensate for the noise. Fast food restaurants use a high pitched beep to signal when French fries are done. The beep is so high pitched that it almost makes our ears quiver. Find a place in a fast food restaurant as far away from the kitchen as possible. Also, do not be seated in tables directly under ceiling speakers. We hate to eat with earplugs in because we hear the sound of chewing and swallowing.

18. Movie theaters are very noisy places... Sometimes it works if we go during the week because theaters turn down the volume since fewer people are in attendance. Even if they do not turn down the volume, they may be more receptive to your request. Some of us go, but have to use major ear protection (foam earplugs and/or earmuffs)... No matter what - always sit in the back row, so no one is shouting behind you, and try to get to the theater early... Renting movies can be very enjoyable. @

Texts extracted from The Hyperacusis Network web page (Supplement section), with the permission of its editor. (see “related links” in this blog)


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