Special cares and measures taken - 3/4: Accommodations


Going back to describing my condition, I list here other measures taken when my hyperacusis and tinnitus got worse.


- The ceiling, floor and walls of my bedroom have been insulated to protect me, and give me refuge, against any strong noises which could occur during the day or at night. A double-paned window was also installed, which proved extremely useful at night and enabled me to fall asleep, blocking any external noises.

- Felt pads were also put on all of the drawer doors that make sounds when being closed.

- Oil was applied on all door hinges to eliminate the noise that they produced.

- The sound from the doorbell and microwave were disconnected since the noise they gave was very distressing.

- The sound from the bedroom telephone was muted, but the extension in the living room was kept on, to hear any incoming calls.

- The toilet's internal water system and some of the water faucets in the house were replaced due to their excessive noise.

- All glass dishes, china, and silverware were replaced with plastic plates and utensils. Mats were also used on the table during meals.

- Some of the noisy locks on the doors were disengaged, and for some of them (like the door for entering the third floor of my house) a pad of paper was used instead to keep them closed.

- The washing machine was placed on the flat roof of the house.

- Special connections with many extension cords were made for my computer so that the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and all of the silent equipment can remain in my bedroom, while keeping the noisy CPU and electronic voltage stabilizer in another room.


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