Additional recommendations about: Family and Friends - 1/3


As we saw the post before, when hyperacusis arise we need help from our family and friends. Here some additional recommendations about that:

Speaking to families of loved ones that have a collapsed tolerance to sound - we appreciate all you do for us. You are extraordinary people to handle our special needs. We wish you could attend a local support group in your community to help you cope with this, however hyperacusis is just too rare. Hyperacusis will have an impact on your social life. True friends will remain true - just don't shut them out. Start out slow by entertaining at home (one on one).

2. To those family members who question the difficulties we experience with our ears - you are our added misfortune in life and give us an additional cross to bear. Hyperacusis is an extremely rare disorder that may affect less than 1 per 50,000 people. It is no wonder so little is known about it. Most medical dictionaries do not even list the auditory disorder and most doctors have never even heard of it. What can be done? Is there currently a cure for hyperacusis? Where can I go to get help?

3. Don't get discouraged - you can still reach for the stars even though you have delicate ears. Sometimes it takes us a while to understand just how much potential we still have in us. Encouragement from others helps greatly.

4. The outer ear acts like a satellite dish that collects sounds. For us, the outer ear can be extremely sensitive to touch. Frequently, signs of affection involve hugging or rubbing hands through our hair can be loud on our ears. As unreal as this may seem to those who are caring for us, any contact with the outer ear can be upsetting. If you hug us, we love it, but be careful of our ears. If you run your hands through our hair or comb it - try not to make contact with the outer ear. The only "No Trespass" sign on our whole body is our outer ear. That leaves a lot of room for loving everything else (Smile).

5. Kitchens also have running water, dishwashers, and the dreaded garbage disposal. Please warn us when you are going to use the garbage disposal so we can plug our ears, or better yet - leave that end of the house when these appliances are being operated.

6. Never start your car or beep your horn when we are right next to the vehicle, this just blows us away. Close your car doors quietly, and do not use the automatic garage door unless we are in the car with the windows closed or we are in the house.

(to be continued on the next posts)

Texts extracted from The Hyperacusis Network web page (Supplement section), with the permission of its editor. (see “related links” in this blog)


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