Special cares and measures taken - 4/4: Family and Friends
Going back to describing my condition, and finishing the “Special cares and measures taken” section, I list here other measures taken when my hyperacusis and tinnitus got worse.
Family and Friends:
Since I live on a third floor house, and my sister and brother on the other ones, we made many arrangements in order to control and prevent some loud noise coming from their houses.
- Every time they were going to use the liquidizer, the vacuum cleaner, the polisher, or the hairdryer, they sent me a previous warning call in order to protect my ears or to go in to my bedroom (that was isolated).
- The same was done when they were going to make some repairs to their houses, especially when using hammers and drills.
- They reduced their meetings at home, and when these took place they tried to avoid raising their voices and/or raising the volume of music. Most of the time, music was not played.
- When they talked with me they did it whispering or by writing, depending on my need.
- By my request, they avoid physical contact (kisses, hugs) on my head, face and/or any surrounding area of the outer ears.
- They also helped me making all those things that involved too much noise and effort (cleaning and fixing the house, handling some electric and electronic equipment, etc.). @