Recommendations about hearing tests


“So few doctors know anything about our condition, we rarely get good advice and frequently hearing tests are administered to us which can make our condition even worse ( MRI or Brainstem Evoke test).

Before any hearing tests are performed on a patient who is suspected to have hyperacusis, their Loudness Discomfort Levels (LDL's) should be known. If the sounds generated from the test exceed the LDL of the hyperacusis patient, their sound tolerance can become further collapsed (worsened). This would be unfortunate.”

“... As I mentioned before, many of us have had our ears tested by professionals in ways which have caused even further damage since the tests involve listening to 90+ decibel sounds.

Before we receive any hearing tests, our tolerance levels must be known, so we are not hurt further. This is something your E.N.T. (Ear, Nose and Throat doctor) needs to know. If you mention this to him/her and they have no idea what you are talking about - you are in the wrong hands! Because most of the medical community does not understand our problem, we have to be very careful.

For example, having an MRI can be devastating to our ears unless full foam ear protection is used and inserted correctly. If an MRI must be performed, it is imperative that you wear full foam earplugs, and if possible, wear plastic earmuffs on top of the earplugs.”

Text extracted from The Hyperacusis Network web page (Supplement section) , with the permission of its editor. (see "related links" in this blog)


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